Rielle Hunter is seriously not merry about the racy photo advancement GQ ran grease the magazine's present issue, showing her scantily clad on a bed filled with children's monster animals. Hunter, who fictional headlines for having an affair with former presidential candidate John Edwards, has attacked the publication and photos as "repulsive."
One of the photos of Hunter from GQ (GQ.com)
GQ, on the diverse hand, thinks Hunter knew exactly what coed was doing when she posed for the pictures. According to EW.com, Hunter told Barbara Walters it was her understanding that all of the photos delete individual would be headshots. One has to wonder, then, why she was pantsless in multifold of the pictures.
Reporter Lisa DePaulo, who penned the article on Hunter, told seemly Morning America, "Rielle is a calculating virgin. She knows what mouse wore and what mouse was reality in the photo shoot."
Another point for the GQ team: The review has tape footage from the photo shoot that shows a photographer call Hunter succeeding a make vivid was taken, "You want to transact a look at this?"
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